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The testmonies

For my secound move I look for storys about people that have suffered through PTSD and still were able to change there life for the better. This move started as just finding storys about PTSD victoms but the mass majority were sad and dark and the purpose of this website is to help people that are have trouble with PTSD by showing them that they can make it better. The first person that I am going to look at Roy R. Mister R was a combat engineer that served in Phu Bai and Danang. Mister R job as a combat engineer was to build road to help the soldier move throughout vietnam. He said “You can’t take a 19-year-old brain and subject it to the constant threat of death or injury by rocket fire and expect it not to be affected,”(R, Roy). Because of his year serving as a combat engineer, “his subsequent 30-year struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”(R, Roy).Being a combat engineer in vietnam he was he was constantly out in the wilderness and away from the base where there was more protection. he stated that “There weren’t any frontlines in Vietnam. If you were there, you were in it. Everyone had the opportunity to get killed. Rockets were regularly coming down on our heads, and we were constantly under fire.”(R, Roy). After the war Roy Started a career of Broadcasting journalist Eventually his career took him to XTRA-TV in San Diego, where his PTSD overwhelmed him. “It was Vietnam telling me, ‘It’s time to deal with me now.’” Depressed and unable to function, he left his job and went home to Massachusetts to “re-charge his batteries” on a friend’s suggestion.”(R, Roy).





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